
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to publish a book

  Many authors write their own book. Books of old authors get published! But the problem faced by the new author is that he does not know how to publish his book! Here I will tell about some such easy ways! With which you can get your book written and printed! And can sell in the market! Publishing the book from any publishers! This is the oldest method. In this, you can get your book printed by meeting any publishing agency! But with new writers comes this problem! The agency does not publish a new author's book! Or she gives them very little money! Because here also the risk of publication remains! If they printed the book in large quantities and the book did not sell, the publishing agency would be at a loss! Therefore new writers should not adopt this method. Otherwise they will not get any benefit in this way. New writers should first publish some of their books in other ways and after having an experience, when they have a little name in the market, then they can get their bo